Posted 6th November 2022. Dr. Mark Sircus Find 15min Video Here:-

Sodium and potassium bicarbonates are nontoxic primary alkalizing agents for the prevention and treatment of cancer, liver disease, Type I & Type II diabetes, Lupus, heart disease, pharmacological toxicosis, vascular surgery operation, tonsillar herniation due to cerebral edema, lactic acid toxicosis, and hyponatremia or low salt or loss of salts due to excessive or over-exercise. Research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is used primarily to combat acidosis, although it’s the treatment of choice in certain cases of overdose. It works by mixing with lactic acid that forms in low perfusion states and in periods of inadequate oxygenation, such as shock and cardiac arrest. It is then converted to a form of carbonic acid that turns into carbon dioxide, and in turn, is expelled through the lungs during ventilation.
sodium bicarbonate
The fastest way to Alkalize your body is Sodium Bicarbonate aka baking soda
never buy arm and hammer [illuminati company]…buy RED MILL
Lemon will also Alkalize your body as well
and Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
and drinking plenty of Distilled water an taking Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Salt for your minerals
as Distilled water does not have minerals.

Categories: Health
  1. November 25, 2022 at 12:04 am

    Is this a dilution via intravenous route?

    There’s a _MYTH_ all over the internets that ingesting bicarb (“take THIS one simple thing with your coffee”) will alkalize your system thus be protective.

    IT ISN’T TRUE. Be warned, my friends.

    The pH of bicarb in water is 8 to 9. Alkaline, yes. (However it is amphoteric and can act as a base).

    But having NaHCO3 in blood is quite different from ingesting it.

    The body is a complex system, not a test-tube. A basic mechanism in the body is “homeostatis”, when the body reacts to counter imbalances.
    Thus, constant ingestion of an alkaline substance will create the opposite effect and make the body more acid (!).

    This is exactly why (perhaps counter-intuitively) lemon juice and apple cider vinegar DO work to alkalize the system.

    But remember to clean your teeth after using acids. (Bicarb is a good toothpaste, since it alters the environment for bacteria. Washing your mouth with veg oil is perhaps even better.)

    Takiing bicarb constantly will make your body acid. The opposite of what you want. Be careful of internet factoids.

    That’s my good deed for the day.

    If you think I’m wrong, please do some proper research.

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