
Archive for December, 2022

America’s Frontline Doctors: All Roads Point to Israel.

By REINETTE SENUM 4th December 2022 Find Article Here:-

Big Money, hidden agendas, obfuscation, and the many disconcerting ties to AFLDS’ Dr. Simone Gold.

Yes, I know there has been a lot of drama in the medical freedom movement as of late. I’m not here to add to this but to shine a light where little exists. I am attempting to bring to the surface the ancient ties that keep our global humanity in bondage.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, we are in an ancient war of good versus evil. The goal of this war is to ultimately control humanity. To control and weaponize our DNA. Destroy our free will and end future generations’ freedom and personal autonomy. I will share more on this in upcoming posts.

This is the first part of a multi-part series that will uncover hard-to-swallow truths. I have spent nearly a hundred hours researching, interviewing, poking, and prodding to tell this story…. And there are more perspectives to come. This story goes way beyond AFLDS.

You will hear me speak of Zionism. Please note I am referring to the Khazarians that took on the cloak of Judaism around 800AD. They are the masters of impersonation and have a long, dark history of deception.… yes, there will be more on this, too. If you don’t know what I am talking about, please see the links in the paragraph below before adventuring further into this piece.

I have spoken at length on Substack regarding the Khazarians, herehere, and here, about Ukraine, its Khazarian-mafia history, and global Zionist ties. It’s imperative you watch my videos or first research the Khazarians IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH THEIR HISTORY. These tentacles run deep and may possibly be exemplified through AFLDS’s origins and subsequent actions. This entire post will make more sense if you know this history.

Ultimately, I would like to use this inquiry into AFLDS as a catalyst for a deeper investigation into our world, its history, and our assumptions about how we all got into this global mess.

We live in a world where all wars will begin as cyber wars... It's the combination of hacking and massive, well-coordinated disinformation campaigns.
                                                                                                  Jared Cohen

On November 12, 2022, I posted a video about the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (ALFDS), Dr. Simone Gold. Little did I know what I was getting into. Since then, I have been in contact with whistleblowers, former employees, AFLDS associates, and more. I soon realized this was bigger than I initially believed, leading us into the belly of a hidden beast we fight endlessly.

In my Substack video, I proposed that Gold could be either a controlled operative or narcissistically delusional, according to a suit filed against her by the AFLDS board on November 4th.

Those close to Gold have told me it is most likely both.

Since that post, I have reached out to Gold, and while she briefly scolded me for my “lies” and her “disappointment in me,” she has yet to respond to my questions.


It’s important I lay the groundwork before we do a deep dive. While the story is that AFLDS emerged as an organic “grassroots” organization in response to the draconian measures of Covid lockdowns, nothing could be further from the truth. It had been months in the making (if not longer) and a “highly orchestrated effort”  spearheaded by uber-conservative Washington insiders “in direct consultation with the (Trump) White House” with “the goal of reopening the economy in time to benefit Trump’s reelection prospects…”

ALFDS was not a spontaneous grassroots organization but the brainchild of the Council for National Policy (CNP). The CNP  formed a coalition in April 2020 called “Save Our Country. (SOC). This group’s leadership included Tea Party Patriots co-founder (a pro-Trump org) Jenny Beth MartinStephen Moore, Lisa Nelson of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and FreedomWorks‘ Adam Brandon, to name only a few.

Personal disclosure; I had been an advocate of re-opening our nation since 2020. I believe most of our elections are rigged. My rift is not over what these groups stand for but who is behind AFLDS and what the ulterior motives really are.

An audio of a May 11th CNP conference call was leaked to a progressive watchdog group, The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), identifying without question that the creation of AFLDS (formerly Free Speech Foundation) was in the hands of the CNP and Tea Party Patriots (ironically, the Tea Party Patriots originated from my little liberal Nor Cal town of Nevada City, California. More on that at a later date), as seen in this AFLDS tax-exempt application:

“CMD obtained AFLD’s federal tax-exemption application and other related documents, which reveal that the Tea Party Patriots Foundation was the fiscal sponsor of the group behind AFLD, meaning that it accepts tax-deductible donations on behalf of the doctors’ group and helps it with accounting. A fiscal sponsor allows an organization that has not received its 501(c)(3) charitable tax status to accept tax-deductible donations.”

Their objective? Utilize a growing number of Covid-dissenting doctors to point out the mishandling of the pandemic and to promote a narrative that supported Trump and his upcoming 2020 election.

Initially, this group was more focused on defending Trump than American citizens.

On the surface, I agreed with the message Gold, CNP, and SOC, and the AFLDS doctors originally stood for then – reopening the country & natural herd immunity is best – as did millions of other frustrated Americans and citizens around the world….

But upon further investigation, it must be asked, who is behind the scenes driving “the AFLDS machine today,” and to what end?

All parties involved in the fateful May 11th CNP conference call agreed that a coalition of doctors to control the narrative would be needed.

Eight days later, AFLDS popped into existence. The face? Dr. Simone Gold; a licensed emergency-room physician and Stanford-educated lawyer. A double-bonus.

Conservative groups around the nation publicized a letter signed by more than 500 doctors calling the lockdowns a “mass casualty event,” with the lead signatory being Dr. Simone Gold.

Ten weeks following that, on July 27, 2020Gold was on the steps of the Supreme Court as the founder of AFLD, hosted by the Tea Party Patriots.  And they hit the nail on the head: They spoke of truths regarding frightful data, deaths, and injuries, as confirmed today in the VAERS report. But when AFLDS launched, what they spoke of seemed heresy at the time.

Trump then tweeted the AFLDS press conference on the Supreme Court steps and the AFLDS organization and leader, Dr. Simone Gold, became a household name in the medical freedom and patriot movement.

Five months later, Dr. Simone Gold, live-in boyfriend and AFLDS “Creative & Communications Director,” John Strand, charged into the capitol on January 6th, 2021.

A perfect setup.

On the surface, we now have the face of Dr. Simone Gold. Medical freedom warrior, conservative patriot, and, as she calls herself, a “popular folk hero” who “ignited the medical freedom movement.” Elevated into a household name representing the entire medical freedom movement of all political persuasions as well as the right-wing conservatives in one fail swoop.

But once we draw back the curtains, we have something very different……

According to former ALFDS staff, a reoccurring thread throughout AFLDS was the desire to conflate the medical freedom movement with the conservative right and pin them all as wackadoodle-right-wing-dangerous-insurrection-extremists who should all be locked away… which is currently happening by the way. At the rate of 1 person per day, hunted down in the largest US manhunt in its US history of individuals connected to the January 6th event… (I will be reporting on this in a later post).

But I digress….

Upon the launch of AFLDS, doctors and citizens flocked to ALFDS as moths toward a flame. It, indeed, was a bright light in a very dark time.

The AFLDS Telehealth became operational, but hundreds, if not thousands, of accusations of “grifting” soon surfaced. Within AFLDS, Gold was accused of hogging the media attention, doctors began jumping the AFLDS ship, and stories of AFLDS litigations against covid-overreach never manifested as promised by Gold. And yet, AFLDS continued to collect millions of dollars.

After Gold officially stepped down from her position of ALFDS Board Chair and President, as documented on February 2, 2022, AFLDS board meeting minutes below, the board realized they needed a forensic audit of their books.

It was also around this time that Reno Attorney and now AFLDS Board President and Chair Joey Gilbert heard for the first time where the “American” Frontline News team resided — not in the US, but Israel — as Gold attempted to get the news team a raise before going off to federal prison.

In July, Gold began her stint in federal prison for her actions during the January 6th U.S. Capitol riot. During that time, the AFLDS Board Members launched their investigation into her spending after being notified about AFLDS’s Communication Director, John Strand’s salary and expenditures.

Ultimately the financial audit, according to the federal lawsuit filed on November 4th, found that Dr. Simone Gold  had been using the group’s charitable funds “to resource her personal lifestyle.”

On a side note, over the last two decades, I have started a variety of grassroots 501(c)3. Today, the majority continue without me, still benefitting my community. Like most 501(c)3, this has been done on a shoestring budget. It is rare to see a “grassroots” organization, particularly in its infancy, rake in millions of dollars, affording its founder the ability to purchase a 3.6-million-dollar home.

This kind of fundraising is quite impressive, to say the least.

When Gold was released from prison in early September, AFLDS Chairman Gilbert gave her the bad news of their findings.

According to former AFLDS staff, within a matter of weeks of her release from prison, Gold strong-armed the remaining staff members to hand over usernames and passwords and took control of the organization, locking board members out of their email accounts, Microsoft online teams, and demanding that Gilbert and other members “resign immediately,” according to the lawsuit exhibits.

Former staff also reported that Gold started forcing AFLDS staff only to attend her meeting and to avoid meetings being held by the AFLDS Board Chair and President, Gilbert.

Because of the allegations and subsequent lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Florida, Gold warned the AFLD board members in an email, “It would be unwise to take a popular folk hero such as myself and turn her into a mortal enemy.”

Upon Gold’s release and the AFLDS staff’s awareness of the Florida-based lawsuit, an internal struggle for control began with the AFLDS Coordinator of the highly valuable Citizen Corps (CC), Jess Abu, and AFLDS Social Media Manager, Michael Coudrey (text communications below), wrangling for control over the highly coveted Citizen Corps Telegram channels.

AFLDS Citizen Corps was a national team with chapters in every single state that attracted, engaged, and directed medical freedom fighters from around the US. As one can imagine, a lot of valuable information was shared on the Citizen Corps Telegram channels. One can understand why there was a power struggle over it.

So, the AFLDS battle rages, but now I want to go beyond the public battlefield and look more closely at the mechanics and players within AFLDS and its origins.

What I began to uncover within the ranks of AFLDS organization was a realization among the staff that all was not as it seemed; AFLDS was less about medical freedom and more about controlling the medical freedom narrative, the medical freedom doctors and nurses, and collecting personal data of Americans via their Telemedicine and Citizen Corps Telegram channels, and conflating the medical freedom groups with the Christian patriots, with the ultimate objective of making the movement look like a bunch of violent extremists.

It seems Gold was the perfect poster child. A doctor. An attorney. A mother. And a woman with very deep and unusual ties.


Remember at the beginning when I mentioned, “I have spoken at length on substack, herehere, and here, about Ukraine and its Khazarian-mafia history and global Zionist ties….?”

Allow me to tie this together.

According to Gold, she worked as a fellow to the late U.S. Congressman Jim Jeffords in 1997. In 2009, as a doctor, attorney, and mother of two small children, she also worked in Washington DC as an assistant to the Israeli Ambassador to the United States (2009–2013), Michael Oren.

Ambassador Oren credited Gold in two published articles; however, like Congressman Jim Jeffords’ former chief of staff, neither “remembered” Gold when asked about her in 2021. Strange. Were they attempting to hide personal ties?

What is notable about this is that Gold would work a stint as an “assistant” in the prime of her life as a doctor and attorney. This would seem below her. This kind of employment and the salary of an assistant would be more fitting for a twenty-something. Until one realizes that Gold was in a coveted position as the assistant to the Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, who, according to The Forward, is one of the “most influential American Jews” in the United States and The Jerusalem Post listed him as one of the top ten most influential Jews in the world.

Those are no small titles.

According to Wikipedia, American-born Oren has been fiercely pro-Zionist since childhood, emigrated in 1979 to Israel, and began his military service in the Israel Defense Forces.  Later he renounced his American citizenship in 2009 upon his nomination as Israeli Ambassador to the US.

What should also be noted is that before becoming the US Ambassador, Oren was repeatedly arrested by the KGB for his volunteer work with the Zionist underground throughout the Soviet Union. He was directed to contact Zionist groups in Ukraine during this stint.

In February 2009, Oren delivered a lecture at Georgetown University on “The Gaza Operation: A Personal and Historical Perspective” The Today Show broadcasted a special segment, “The Oren Family at War.”

Anyone of this stature would only allow the most trusted in one’s personal circle as an assistant. Somehow Gold fit this bill.

Now let’s jump ahead a little. 2020.


Gold’s live-in boyfriend/companion, John Strand, became the Creative Director of AFLDS in April 2022. Before Strand hooked up with Gold, he paid his bills as an underwear model and security guard and was couch surfing. No judgment made. We all have to make a living and survive.

However, Strand was hired by Gold in 2022 as AFLDS’ Creative and Communications Director with a healthy monthly salary of $10,000 and had access to AFLDS credit cards at Gold’s direction, spending between $15,000 and $17,000 a month. Nice jump from underwear model and security guard.

Over time, AFLDS staff and those observing Gold at speaking events began to ascertain that Strand was more than a boyfriend, 20 years her junior. Today, many questions if Strand is her handler.

This wouldn’t be surprising when one considers that intelligence agency handlers are often, you got it, former underwear models. Me thinks it may be because of such a high seduction factor. These types of agents are known as ‘honey traps.”

Strand formerly worked for ex-FBI agent Russell Stuart, owner of “Secret Service of Hollywood.” Interestingly, Strand’s LinkedIn account with this history has disappeared from the Wayback Machine as of July 21st, 2022.

Like Gold being “the face” of AFLDS, Strand became the face of the AFLDS’ “communications” team.

In a recent interview with Dr. Jeff Barke, Gold claims regarding bringing Gilbert into the AFLDS fold, “I’m a bit embarrassed I brought this person into the organization. I’m not one to prescreen people and look for problems.”

Interestingly enough, Gold does not express the same regret for Strand.

“I’m not one to prescreen people and look for problems.”

Dr. Simone Gold

Gold’s quote does not bode well for the funders, donors, and desperate Americans who have invested their money and well-being into Gold as AFLDS leader.

Today, Strand is facing up to 24 years in jail while many are questioning how Gold had such a speedy trial and served only 60 days, while over 850 people (as of September) have been arrested in connection with the “insurrection” at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

More than 350 have pleaded guilty to various crimes, while less than ten have gone to trial. The vast majority of these detainees have disappeared quietly and without fanfare in what is considered the largest manhunt in US history. So, how did Gold get off so easily? Why was her sentence shortened to only 60 days? Did she give names and information about the medical freedom movement to receive such a light sentence?

While this all seems outlandish and audacious on the outside, it’s not until you look into the mechanics of AFLDS that one realizes this is just the tip of the iceberg.


AFLDS Frontline News: all roads lead us back to an Israeli intelligence agent. One would assume that these AFLDS news reports are coming from the medical freedom movement in America and that the news team would be American-based. Silly assumption.

Mordechai Sones lives in Judea, Israel. Sones is the AFLDS Frontline News Director, and his wife, Avigail Sones, is Deputy Director and runs the Spanish Department News. Idi Sherman is the leading Frontline News writer. They and approximately three other Israelis are at the helm of AFLDS Frontline News. Yup. You heard right. All AFLDS Frontline news, press releases, and emails have been generated and overseen by a team from Israel since March 2021. Being this the case, why didn’t AFLDS call itself Israeli Frontline Doctors?

Along with producing the news, Ty Rivkah, Frontline News Operation Manager, helped direct workshops for AFLDS telegram Citizen Corps state chapter, influencing leaders across the US.

Per Mordechai Sones’ bio at, “Mordechai Sones worked in Washington, D.C. on the staff of former US. Senator Frank Murkowski (Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee from 1995 to 2001) and as Deputy Director of the Federation for American Afghan Action (FAAA), where he did research and military-political analysis.

The Federation for American Afghan Action lobbied for language to be inserted into the Republican party platform calling for support of the Afghan Mujahideen in their fight against the Soviets (ER: Remember that ANYTHING Russian is bad for the Khazarian Mafia people, who have not only used ordinary Jews for centuries but have a longstanding vendetta against Russia, no matter who’s in power or what their system is – aristocracy, Rothschild-imposed Communism from outside the country, or something else such as we see today). Ultimately, the FAAA influenced the opinion in Congress in favor of “effective aid to the Afghan resistance fighting Russia. Eventually, this “effective aid” would total hundreds of billions of US American tax dollars.

Similarly to Ukraine today, most of those funds have yet to reach their destination.

While I am unsure Sones currently has employment other than from AFLDS, he has had writing gigs for the Israel National News and was News Anchor for the popular Israel News Talk Radio.

Sones’ work has been published by the Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR). According to an ACPR proposal, Zero-state Solution, there is no “unique Palestinian identity” and the Palestinians in the West Bank …. therefore “Israel has no reason to agree to assimilate them or provide them with a state since they were part of those countries until their territory was captured in the 1967 Six-Day War.”

Like Oren, Sones is very much entrenched in Israeli Zionist intelligence.

Right before the Florida lawsuit was dropped against Gold, Mordechai Sones immediately released a “character letter” in support of Gold, beginning the narrative spin. Interestingly, Sones doesn’t hint he wrote this from Israel.

Since the case was filed against Gold in the Florida court, AFLDS Frontline News has been hyper-focused on damage control, incessantly targeting Gilbert.

Somebody has to be the fall guy.

I have to ask the question. Were there no other individuals out of the 300 million Americans who could not produce AFLDS’ Frontline News, press releases, and emails? Isn’t it odd that the narrative of “America’s” Frontline Doctors is being generated out of Israel? Thousands of miles from the US and far from the American “frontline?”

As it currently stands, AFLDS’ Telemedicine and Telegram’s Nationwide Citizen Corps are no longer, and the hundreds of thousands of individuals’ personal and medical data are in the hands of the Israelis. I don’t think anyone signed up for that.


ER: Remember how the Israeli government promised Pfizer shovelfuls of citizen health data?

In 2020, Israel struck a deal with Pfizer, promising to share vast troves of medical data with Pfizer in exchange for the continued flow of its “hard-to-get vaccine.”  The agreement document was made public in January 2021 with large parts of it redacted. The MoH claimed last week that this agreement could not be found.


In addition, former AFLDS staff members are reporting that the few AFLDS staff members that remain on the AFLDS non-profit payroll are working for Gold’s business, known as Gold Care, a for-profit company. Completely illegal.

At best, what remains of AFLDS is a damage-control unit based out of Israel, attempting to control the American medical freedom narrative and the medical freedom movement itself. At the same time, Gold is building up her personal business on the backs of the remaining AFLDS staff.

Gold’s leadership role within AFLDS has betrayed the American people. She was not transparent nor forthright. At a time when Americans were desperate for help and trusted sources, they were misled, and their data was pilfered.

And the money! Our money has been added to the coffers of a manipulating machine. Who do we think is paying for the Israeli news team not reporting from the frontlines?

Now we are forced to ask, What are the potential uses for our data? Americans have unwittingly given up their personal information, political leanings, medical data, and even DNA in this Covid era. One must ask, To what end?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is more to come—strategy and methodology of modern-day warfare. The battle over DNA…. we will continue this deep dive.

“State of control”, a shocking and revealing documentary.

Posted December 2022. Find 74min Documentary with Trailer Here:-

The control society is increasingly becoming a reality.

What is the price of convenience?

The CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and the digital passport can make our lives easier and more efficient. But new international legislation shows that the purpose of these possibilities, has far-reaching implications for our privacy.

In this documentary international experts such as Edward Snowden, Arno Wellens, Catherine Austin Fitts express their serious concerns and criticisms. It compiles the range of facts and opinions, creating a shocking picture about the future of mankind. A crystal-clear narrative that can”t be ignored.

Concept Unveiled for the World’s First Artificial Womb Facility.

BY MARCIA WENDORF   9th DECEMBER 2022. Find Video & Article Here:-

In late 2021, Elon Musk tweeted his fears about the end of humanity. “We should be much more worried about population collapse….If there aren’t enough people for Earth, then there definitely won’t be enough for Mars,” he opined. Musk’s statements brought the world’s falling birthrate to the forefront of social consciousness.

For nearly a century, fertility rates have been decreasing globally. The result is what scientists are describing as a “worldwide infertility crisis.” But there’s a solution looming on the horizon — artificial wombs.

In 2017, scientists created a “BioBag” that functioned as an artificial womb, and they used it to grow a baby lamb. Now, a new concept has been unveiled exclusively to Science and Stuff showing how the same could be done for humans. In recently released footage, Hashem Al-Ghaili shows what childbirth might look like tomorrow. Specifically, he created an artificial womb facility named EctoLife.

Its purpose? In an exclusive interview with Science and Stuff, Al-Ghaili says he thinks the EctoLife concept could one day supplant traditional birth. In so doing, he said society would finally be able to meet the needs of parents who are “tired of waiting for a response from an adoption agency” and those who are “worried about pregnancy complications.” But most importantly, he says EctoLife could allow us to confront the infertility crisis head-on.

Our need for a new form of birth

Currently, the World Health Organization estimates that 15% of reproductive-aged couples worldwide are affected by infertility. Indeed, over the last 70 years, fertility rates worldwide have decreased by a staggering 50%. Reasons for this decline include (among other things) women’s increased education, increases in employment, the high cost of raising children, and a drop in global sperm count. 23 countries are already at risk, with Japan, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, and South Korea at the forefront of the crisis.

In the U.S., infertility statistics are likewise sobering:

  • 1 in 8 American couples has issues with fertility.
  • 12-15% of all couples are unable to conceive after a year of unprotected sex.
  • 10% of all couples are unable to conceive after two years of unprotected sex.
  • 33% of Americans have turned to fertility treatments or know someone who has.

Replying to Musk’s tweet, the tech investor Sahil Lavingia wrote, “We should be investing in technology that makes having kids much faster/easier/cheaper/more accessible. Synthetic wombs, etc.” And that is exactly what Al-Ghaili was thinking when he came up with the design for EctoLife. Al-Ghaili told Science and Stuff that he was inspired to create the concept of EctoLife in order to further “the discussion around a technology that shouldn’t be ignored.”

The EctoLife artificial womb concept promises to help babies develop full-term “without any biological hurdles.” Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

According to Al-Ghaili, the artificial womb concept of EctoLife would be life-changing for many who struggle to conceive. “It’s a perfect solution for women who [have] had their uterus surgically removed due to cancer or other complications. It could also help solve issues that stem from low sperm count,” Al-Ghaili said enthusiastically, adding that the EctoLife concept (or technologies like it) “could ultimately make miscarriage a thing of the past.”

Science fiction becomes reality

Synthetic wombs might sound like the stuff of science fiction, but they follow in a long line of advancements in reproductive technology. On July 25, 1978, a baby girl named Louise Brown was born at Oldham and District General Hospital in Manchester, England. What made her birth memorable was that Louise was conceived in a petri dish, and she is the first baby conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Louise’s mother had a mature egg removed from one of her ovaries, and it was combined with Louise’s father’s sperm. The resulting embryo was then transferred to Mrs. Brown’s uterus. Nine months later, Louise was born. The Browns went on to conceive a second daughter, Natalie, also through IVF. In May 1999, Natalie made history when she became the first IVF baby to give birth to a child of her own. In December 2006, Louise followed suit, delivering a healthy baby boy.

Today, more than 8 million children are conceived through IVF annually.

The facility features 75 highly equipped labs. Each state-of-the-art lab can accommodate up to 400 growth pods (artificial wombs).Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

The 2017 BioBag was an enormous breakthrough in artificial womb technology. The scientists behind the work grew eight fetal lambs for 105 to 120 days — about equivalent to human fetuses at 22 to 24 weeks of gestation. Then in March 2021, another milestone was achieved. Israeli scientists were able to grow mouse embryos for up to eleven days inside artificial wombs. What is remarkable about that achievement is that 11 days is over half of the full mouse gestational term.

Al-Ghaili says the EctoLife concept is just the logical next step. And he’s not the only one who thinks so.

EctoLife facility uses artificial intelligence to monitor the developmental growth of the babies. Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

“It seems probable that we are only several years away from testing [aritfical wombs] on human subjects,” Social Ethics and Policy Academic Elizabeth Chloe Romanis wrote in the BMJ’s Journal Of Medical Ethics. Meanwhile, Dr. Carlo Bulletti, Associate Professor at Yale University’s Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Science Department, thinks that a fully functioning artificial womb could be realized within the next 10 years.

EctoLife facility uses renewable energy consisting of solar and wind power. Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

EctoLife: Reinventing evolution

The EctoLife video shows that the first step prospective parents must take is having their eggs and sperm combined via in vitro fertilization. This would allow them to select only viable and “genetically superior embryos.” Al-Ghaili clarifies that genetically superior embryos are primarily those which are free from genetic issues that would result in miscarriage. However, he notes that the process could also be used to “screen for birth defects,” as is already common practice in most IVF treatments.

But that’s not all.

This would also offer parents the ability to “genetically engineer the[ir] embryo before implanting it into the artificial womb” through the use of the CRISPR-Cas 9 gene editing tool. This would create the opportunity to “fix any inherited genetic diseases that are part of your family history so that your baby and their offspring will live a healthy, comfortable life free of genetic diseases.” This may seem far-fetched; however, Al-Ghaili pointed out that CRISPR has already been used “to correct a genetic mutation in human embryos that is linked to a condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which causes the heart muscle to thicken.”

According to the video, IVF could be used to create embryos before implanting them into an artificial womb. Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

According to Al-Ghaili, the EctoLife facility is also envisioned as making extensive use of artificial intelligence (AI), with one of its uses being to provide each baby with “custom nutrients tailored to their needs.” Another use of AI in the EctoLife concept would be to monitor “the physical features of your baby and report any potential abnormalities for deviations from normal gestation.”

Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

EctoLife could also enable parents to experience what their baby sees and hears through the use of 360° cameras that are inside the artificial womb and are paired with a virtual reality headset. These cameras would also offer parents a constant video feed of their baby’s development, allowing parents to monitor their child’s progress on their smartphones.

Meanwhile, speakers could be used to play a wide range of words and music to the baby, mimicking the sounds that babies hear while in their mothers’ wombs. “Parents could even choose the playlist” or play their own voices, so their child gets more used to them,” Al-Ghaili said.

EctoLife growth pods are connected to an app that helps parents to monitor their baby from anywhere in the world. Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

Once a baby reaches full maturity? According to the video, the birth process can be “done with just the push of a button,” which will cause the faux amniotic fluid to drain from the growth pod. The impact on humanity could be profound.

Each year, around 300,000 women die from pregnancy or complications shortly afterward. But that’s not all. “We know that the constraints of the human uterus and pelvis have acted as a brake on the size of the human brain and skull. If freed from the need to be ‘born’ in the normal way, we might open the way for a new evolutionary trajectory,” Dr. Anna Smajdor, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Oslo, noted in a previous interview.

According to the video, EctoLife growth pods will “operate with minimal energy needs.” Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

A Growing Market

Despite these potential benefits, the technologies that are presented in EctoLife will assuredly give some pause. But just how widespread are these moral misgivings?

The assistive reproduction technology, or ART, market is already large, and it is only getting larger. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the current cost of a single IVF cycle is $12,400, with the average couple spending $19,234. The largest market for IVF treatment is currently Europe, followed by the U.S. However, the fastest-growing market is the Asia-Pacific region. The market for IVF services is expected to grow to over $35 billion by 2030, while the market for IVF devices is expected to reach $10 billion by 2030.

Venture capital is taking notice of this growing trend, with the ART sector expected to reach $54.7 billion by 2028. In 2021, fertility startups received $627 million. However, by mid-July 2022, fertility startups had already received over $500 million, marking the ART sector as one that may be impervious to any pending recession.

Given these market conditions, it seems that a concept like EctoLife is all but inevitable.

EctoLife growth pods can also be used indoors. Credit: Hashem Al-Ghaili

Brave new world

In his play The Tempest, William Shakespeare wrote: “How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in ‘t!” Aldous Huxley used that phrase as the title of his 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World, which explored such themes as the dangers of genetic engineering and the use of technology to control society.

Al-Ghaili told Science and Stuff that he believes “we’re just a few short years away from creating a fully-functional EctoLife growth pod. As for other features like the haptic suit, VR live view, app connection to the pod, and AI-based monitoring system, these are standard technologies that already exist and are being used on a daily basis.” So, yes. In many ways, perhaps, we’re almost there. As Al-Ghaili notes, “It’s just about combining all this research work into a single invention, which is what my new concept does.”

If Al-Ghaili’s statements are correct — get ready, folks. Whether you like it or not, this brave new world will soon be upon us.

Marcia Wendorf


Marcia is a technical writer, author, and programmer. Prior to starting her writing career, she was a math instructor. She stays on top of worldwide news about science, government policies, finance, infrastructure, and medicine. She is always “sniffing the wind” for the latest trends and directions, and keeping her readers abreast of these developments.


Posted on 15th December 2022. Find 6minVideo Here:-

In this short video, John comments about how they are training Albanian and other foreign troops who are coming as fake ‘migrants’ to take over the UK for their masters when another lockdown is declared. If this is to be believed, it makes some sense as we really don’t have enough Army or Police to deal with any UK unrest in the next few years. What Army we have left, that hasn’t been sent to the Ukraine western border, will be driving ambulances, fire engines, fixing power outages, manning border control and assisting in Hospitals. To name but a few.

The Netherlands: Template for Ecomodernism’s Brave New World?

By Colin Todhunter 12th December 2022. Find Article Here:-

isaster capitalism and crisis narratives are currently being used to manipulate popular sentiment and push through a set of unpalatable policies that would otherwise lack sufficient political support.

These policies are being promoted by wealthy interests that stand to make billions of dollars from what is being proposed. They seek to gain full control of food and how it is produced. Their vision is tied to a wider agenda aimed at shaping how humanity lives, thinks and acts.

Throughout much of 2022, protests by Dutch farmers have grabbed the headlines. Plans to reduce the Netherlands’ nitrogen output by half come 2030 have led to mass protests. The government talks of the need to move away from animal-based agriculture and its climate-impacting emissions.

This ‘food transition’ often goes hand-in-hand with the promotion of ‘precision’ agriculture, genetic engineering, fewer farmers and farms and lab-made synthetic food. This transition is sold under the banner of ‘climate-friendly’ and piggybacks on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative.

Campaigner Willem Engel claims the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate farmers from the landscape for environmental reasons. Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.

Engel suggests the ‘nitrogen crisis’ is being manipulated to drive through policies that will result in reshaping the country’s landscape. He argues that the main nitrogen emitter in the Netherlands is not agriculture but industry. However, land currently occupied by farms is strategically important to industry and housing.

The tristate concept is based on a giant unified ‘green’ urban region linked by ‘smart’ technologies that can economically compete with the massive metropolises we see in Asia, especially in China.

The Dutch government recently announced plans to buy out up to 3,000 farms in a bid to comply with controversial targets to reduce run-off from synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. Dutch nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal says farmers are to be offered more than 100 per cent of the value of their farms. But there are plans to enforce buyouts in 2023 if voluntary measures fail.

Is what we see happening in the Netherlands the initial step in trying to get the public to accept GM crops, lab-engineered ‘food’ and 90 per cent of humanity being crammed into mega-cities?

And is it just a coincidence that the following ecomodernist vision of the future appears in Dutch on the Netherlands-based

It says that by 2100, there will be ten billion people on the planet:

More than 90 per cent of these live and work in the city, compared to 50 per cent in 2000. Around the city are large farms full of genetically modified crops that achieve four times as high a yield as at the beginning of the 21st century.”

It also states that beyond the farmland begins nature, which now occupies most of the surface of our planet. Whereas in 2000 half of the earth’s surface was still in use by humans, by 2100 it is only a quarter. The rest has been returned to nature, biodiversity and CO2 emissions are back to pre-1850 levels and hardly anyone is in extreme poverty anymore.

So, there you have it. Drive farmers out of farming, grab their land for urbanisation and rewilding, and we will all live happily ever after on genetically engineered crops and synthetic food created in giant vats. In this techno make belief land, no one is poor, and everyone is fed.

A technocratic vision where the stranglehold of the current food conglomerates remains intact and is further entrenched, and politics is reduced to decisions about how best to tweak the system for optimal gains (profit).

In this future, digital platforms will control everything, the brain of the economy. E-commerce platforms will become permanently embedded once artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms plan and determine what will be produced and how it will be produced and distributed.

We will be reduced to little more than serfdom as a handful of digitally enabled megacorporations control everything. Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta, Cargill and the like will work with Microsoft, Google and the big-tech giants to facilitate AI-driven farmerless farms and e-commerce retail dominated by the likes of Amazon and Walmart. A cartel of data owners, proprietary input suppliers and retail concerns at the commanding heights of the economy, peddling toxic industrial (fake) food.

And what of elected representatives (if they still exist in this dystopian vision)? Their role will be highly limited to technocratic overseers of these platforms.

This is where the interlocking hegemonic class steered by the likes of the Gates Foundation, Big (Agri)Tech, Big (digital) Finance, Big Pharma and ‘environmentalists’ like journalist George Monbiot who peddle this vision want to take us.

And they will tell you this is for your own good – to avoid hunger and starvation and to ensure wildlife is protected, the planet is ‘saved’, zoonotic pandemics are avoided or that some other doomsday scenario is dodged.

The current food system is in crisis. But many of its problems were brought on by the same corporate interests who are behind what is outlined above. They are responsible for an inherently unjust food regime driven by World Bank, WTO and IMF policies which act on their behalf.

These corporations are responsible for soil degradation, synthetic fertiliser run offs into waterways, the displacement of rural populations and land appropriation, the flight to over-populated cities and proletarianization (former independent producers reduced to wage labour/unemployment), the massive decline in bird and insect numbers, less diverse diets, a spiralling public health crisis due to chemical-intensive farming and so on.

And yet, despite the massive problems caused by this model of agriculture, it is an inconvenient truth that the (low input/low-energy) peasant food web – not industrial agriculture – still feeds most of the world even though the industrial model sucks up huge amounts of subsidies and resources.

Those who promote the ecomodernist vision are using genuine concerns about the environment to push through an agenda. But where does genuine environmentalism begin?

It does not begin with bought democracy (see the article How big business gets control over our food) or state coercion (see WikiLeaks: US targets EU over GM crops) to get GM crops and food onto the market.

It does not start with ‘precision’ agriculture in which gene-editing and the like is akin to using a blunt ax and constituting genome vandalism (according to Harvard professor George Church).

And it does not begin and end with genetically engineered crops that have failed to deliver on their promises and chemically doused plants to be used as ‘feed’ for energy-consuming vats that engineer matter into food.

Nor does it begin and end with the World Bank/IMF using debt (see the article Modi’s Farm Produce Act Was Authored Thirty Years Ago) to enforce dependency, displace populations, crowd people into densely packed high-rises and strip humanity of its inherent connection to the land.

Many of the problems mentioned above could be overcome in the long term by prioritising food and seed sovereignty, localised production and local economies and agroecological farming. But this is of no interest to Bayer, Microsoft, Cargill and the like because none of that fits their business model – indeed, it poses an existential threat.

Rather than forcing farmers out of farming, the Dutch government could encourage them to farm differently.

But that requires a different mindset from that which depicts farmers and farming as a problem in order to ram through an agenda based on a fairy tale techno utopian vision of the future.

The globalised system of food production based on an industrialised, high-input, chemical-dependent and corporate-dependent model underpinned by geopolitical interests is the real problem.

Hans Herren, World Food Prize Laureate, says:

We need to push aside the vested interests blocking the transformation with the baseless arguments of “the world needs more food” and design and implement policies that are forward-looking… We have all the needed scientific and practical evidence that the agroecological approaches to food and nutrition security work successfully.”

These policies would facilitate localised, democratic food systems and a concept of food sovereignty, based on optimal self-sufficiency, agroecological principles, the right to culturally appropriate food and local (communal) ownership and stewardship of common resources, not least land, water, soil and seeds.

Because when discussing food and agriculture, that’s where genuine environmentalism starts.

Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.